Monday, April 22, 2019

Humans living is always fantasy.

it started right from our childhood, mother points out towards the moon and mentions that “if you’ll eat, the moon will come near you”.

During education period we hear these fantasies from our teachers.
  •  Finish of your 10th class and your life will be settled.
  •  Study well and gain good marks in +1 and +2 and you don’t have to worry about anything!!
  •  Get a good degree and you’ll never have to worry about anything.

But my dear friend your actual life starts after your education and these are the building blocks of your life.

Relationships are often termed as fantasy, if you choose the wrong person and term them as the right mate you’ll end up living in fantasy also end up hurting yourself.

Always be wise while indulging yourself into relationship you never know what may happen. If your good enough to ignore and move on then your living in the reality else you’ll be living in a fantasy !!

Sunday, April 14, 2019


This Savage world runs on two actions, cheat or get cheated. 

If you get cheated it’s definitely your mistake since you were ready enough to get cheated. 

If you cheat someone that means you’ve taken him/her for granted!

It reminds me of my friend saying, never let someone take your driving seat. 

The moment someone starts riding your life you may encounter the above factors.

Too much of anything is always dangerous.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


This is the one emotion which will make you to stop  from reaching the tip of the mountain even though you are few minimal steps away.

The feeling which let you surrounded by bricks of indecision, hesitation, confusion, skepticism, uneasiness and block you from walking into the path which you choose to be.

Humans implant doubt in the form of seed into their head and nurture it everyday with the same thoughts so that the roots become stronger and the doubt never gets uprooted! 

Just like the old proverbs “You can't stand on two boats”. Either choose to be on one side yes or no else you’ll end up drowning !