Monday, March 11, 2019

 What is that which pulls me back !

Right from childhood, humans grow up looking into the mirror with lot of confidence that I can achieve everything and anything by building a card castle in which every card picked up is equal to Trust, belief, faith, credence, determination, positiveness, self-confidence.

Years passed, shifted from childhood to teenage, insecurities heaped inside heart that made the brain to sense numbness like reading empty white paper book.

All the cards in the card castle are restored with skepticism, doubt, fear, disbelief, denial, negativity, unsureness, bullies which shook the card castle with the wind of uncertainty and disintegrated the card castle into crumbles.

This situation can be mold into either of these ways, either sit and crib about the crumbs or consider it’s as new canvas where enormous card castle can be built upon it with deck of cards which consists of same cards “King of hearts”. 

Be a king who never gives up, with passion and love towards everything you do❤️.

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