Tuesday, March 31, 2020


For millennia, human superiority was taken for granted and they stand at the apex of existence.

But yet they lack in taming certain things for which they are chosen and allocated with the throne of superiority.

I somehow consider humans mind to an ocean and their thought process to waves. 

Most of us fail in taming the waves such as aggression, depression, uncertainty, abyss and that leads to calamity and general sense outburst into the state of Chaos.

We Human should learn how to tame our waves based on our failures and experience.

After all, humans are the smartest being on planet earth!

"Our mind is like a ocean, learn how to tame the waves."

Sunday, March 29, 2020


I don’t know where am I ?

My fixation towards you is dragging me into “nowhere”, CONFUSED ?? exactly into a confused state “now here” or “no where”.

I collate my life to a hourglass, every grain of sand is compared to a second which is live with you.

At first I was worried that the hourglass upper bulb will become empty soon only when I’ve noticed every grain of sand is pulled into lower bulb due to the law of gravity.

This agony wanted me to acquire superpower to defy gravity and redirect the grains into upper bulb of the hourglass but I somehow realized that the moments which I had with you will become void if I undo the past.

The moment when I’m wrapped around with your warm hug. If feel empty, the emptiness feel we get after conquering everything in the world and nothing left nothing to achieve.

Maybe due to that I’ve started believing “live in the moment” and I had to let go off the grains.

You’ve become the protagonist in my life and my obsession towards you is making me to do everything and anything to have you in my life.

You’ve become my only resort and my final destination.

I see right through you and decipher everything about you, yet I feel dumb.

Every gesture you do make my heart pump to its soaring limit throwing me into the state of bygone.

As I told, my obsession of mine had changed my destination and my obsession is your love. 



All it matters is your willingness, vision and continuity to achieve your dreams.

Willingness without vision or willingness without continuity will yield you nothing!

Every step you take does matters to measure your success!

I sense chasm of loneliness in me and these protagonist feeling had me confronted while I’m glaring at a mirror with vivid gestures with subtle uncertainty

Uncertainty that I’ve touched or tumbled into purity of aloneness.

Uncertainty as if my vibes are exchanged with someone,

Someone whom I want to excel in everything.

Someone, who used to be the mirror image of me, whom I always wanted to ignore.

Someone, with whom I want to feel numb.

If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.


We all are covered with fake smile which will be only visible to that person who can see through the sadness.

Its none other than ur self, only you, youself can help yourself, you can be happy only if you want to be even you're depressed, sad worried! Believe in yourself and the world obey you!

Live life king size 💪

It’s was like yesterday or I’m confused its just a dream which popped into my head!

I feel sober all the time but the memories we had together hit me hard and make me stoned  and threw me into the stage of bewildered!

This imprecise state of mine is throwing me into the world of numbness and provoking me with thoughts of bygone!

Alas, I suddenly woke up and realized its a dream just a drunken dream and it remains a dream forever!