Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I sense an unnoticed feeling every time I step out of the room and head to the terrace or outside these days!

I always get fascinated to see nature after a mammoth rain as everything will be pleasant and beautiful to witness! 

But after this pandemic situation, I feel as if I’m disconnected from my interest.

Another fascination which I’ve is, I just get lost by looking at those flock of chirping birds 🐦 and the Eagles which fly above us. 

Sometimes I get envious about them, not sometimes actually but from the time this pandemic situation arose, as they have no clue what’s going on around us. 

They are just living their regular routine, which all of us are thriving to get it.

Every morning I wake up and come up with this thought another day got triggered and what next? What all things I’m going to hear? 

I believe most of us are in the same situation!

Away from our family, loved ones, partners, your goals, your routines, your dreams! 

Let them know that “I’m there for you and we’re in this together “ by making a single call or a text message which is much needed during this pandemic situation.

Love you my fellow human beings! 

Stay safe!


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