Thursday, April 30, 2020

Looking at these deaths these days I seriously get some random thoughts in my head,

we would be loved to the core when we're born and highly respected if we have committed good deeds and definitely will be missed and loved by our dear ones who holds the same feel about you when we become a soul.

What matters the most is your journey which we travel from the birth pole to the death pole.

Live wisely !💛


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What should I do 🙄
Love, lust or flirt ?

I've started loving her soul rather than her beauty and got mesmerized by her words !

I've come to such a situation that I don't get count of her words anymore neither i feel that I'm not able to grasp her words either.

As I'm now tote drenched with her beauty 💛, her beauty from inside which unleashes when I look into her eyes which will lead me into the state of numbness where I can't sense anything as my senses are strewn away and I'm falling for her again and again.

In this situation I think I'm loosing my mind.

I feel that I've been tumbled into or being sucked into an black hole which is filled with her memories instead of darkness.

Is it a dream or hallucinations or 'm I really alive ?

I don't call it as desperation, I just feel that my journey of life would be complete if I have u as my partner!!

#randomthoughts #thoughtwritingsbybadri

Friday, April 17, 2020

How is that even possible

I’m seeker or a wanderer?

Right from my childhood I’ve lot of question marks in my head, you’ve given me the knowledge to discover the impossible but still few questions remains unanswered till date.

I would always question almighty why am I still alive and leading this life with many hurdles and setbacks?

Everything I get turns into nothing?

The biggest possession for any child has become nothing for me!

The beautiful life which I always wanted is strewn away, every time I try to collect and attach the strewn pieces of my life it collapses and shatters like a brittle glass.

Just like the saying “Once broken cannot be fixed”, things won’t be the same.

How is that even possible that I’m alive, maybe my stars are strong that they are giving me a hope to live and asking me to search that map which will lead me to the path of treasure which holds all my answers in it.

How is that even possible !!!

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Maybe I’m in a state of uncertainty, that I would be not able to share my inner feel.

Maybe I should be the old me, but I’m afraid I cannot as I could see the bridge has been demolished due to my hollow thoughts which are filled with fear and uncertainty.

Maybe I’m worried that people would dart away from me and I would be pushed into the ocean of aloneness if I open up my inner me.

Maybe my vulnerabilities are not letting me to weave these slender threads of old me.

Maybe, this is the time I should be reborn as a phoenix from these broken thoughts or remain as an empty canvas.


Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Why is that every night will be a battle when I try to sleep.

Every time I try closing my eyes all I could see is darkness or infinity of nothingness and my heartbeat echoing in my ears

I sense lumps and loads of thoughts emerging out from my heart and I’m not sure what they are.

Neither I can relate it to something or I’ll will try to end up ignoring it.

But my subconscious mind is hung up somewhere in that infinity of nothingness like an astronaut stuck in space with limited oxygen.

It is Inevitable that the moment I panic my heartbeat rate will increase exponentially as well as my respiration and reduce the probability of my survival or accept the situation and wait till I’m done breathing the last ounce of oxygen.


Monday, April 6, 2020


I woke up all of a sudden and all I could see is darkness.

I could hear the alarm  clock ringing but couldn’t find it.

Suddenly my vision ameliorated from darkness to blurry.

Everything looks obfuscated and from that obscure vision I’ve noticed a shadow nearing to me.

Then I’ve realized that everything looks blur when I see her face and she is the clarity I seek in the misty and blurred vision.

Only then I’ve realized it is a “Lucid dreaM”.
As our togetherness is only possible in a DreaM !!

Remember that,

I’m here and I’ll wait for you, I love you FOREVER…..


Sunday, April 5, 2020


I’m in peace right now that doesn’t mean that I’ve space for you in my heart nor in my thoughts

I’m normal with you that doesn’t means we are in good terms.

I’m not in a mood to spare some love to you neither hate.

I’m not in mood to get injected with your havoc.

I’m not going to approach or utter a word, neither raise my voice, but don’t dare to approach me.

I’m in peace and I don’t care whatever other say as I don’t want to spare any time to those prattle.

I’m in peace and you don't have any right to utter my name.