Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What should I do 🙄
Love, lust or flirt ?

I've started loving her soul rather than her beauty and got mesmerized by her words !

I've come to such a situation that I don't get count of her words anymore neither i feel that I'm not able to grasp her words either.

As I'm now tote drenched with her beauty 💛, her beauty from inside which unleashes when I look into her eyes which will lead me into the state of numbness where I can't sense anything as my senses are strewn away and I'm falling for her again and again.

In this situation I think I'm loosing my mind.

I feel that I've been tumbled into or being sucked into an black hole which is filled with her memories instead of darkness.

Is it a dream or hallucinations or 'm I really alive ?

I don't call it as desperation, I just feel that my journey of life would be complete if I have u as my partner!!

#randomthoughts #thoughtwritingsbybadri

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