Wednesday, February 27, 2019


If you go for the meaning of Passion, "It's your zeal to achieve something which you would like to become", but I consider it as a dream rather than above quoted statement.

Few people are so dedicated enough to achieve it, yet remains as a dream due to some unseen chains tied up around you, like chains of responsibility, helplessness and many more during during this  journey called life, leading to end of chapter - “Passion”.

It reminds me of this phase,

You never regret for the things you did, you always regret about the things which you couldn't do 

In the day, they go ahead with their journey by adhering happiness mask and hooking one’s shoulders with a heavy bag filled with responsibilities and wearing a compromise cap, like a robot performing tasks based on the program integrated in their head rather than doing it from heart.

During the nights, glancing at one’s passion in social media feeds and deceive their hearts by imagining themselves in it. 

Passion is something which is hard to achieve until you poke your head with your inspirations which made you to choose it and push yourself towards it relentlessly.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


This is the feel which we go on daily basis ! When you’re physically hurt and in many means.

Below I’ve portrayed my thoughts on pain !

I’m younger kid at my home and I’ve an elder brother .  

While going through some article I've come across this 57 Dels , I meant a women during her delivery the labor pain which she undergoes is equal to 57 Dels and that is equal to 20 bones getting fractured at a time . 

My mother is aware of the pain yet she gave birth to me and All women in this world undergo the same pain.  

That’s the beauty of God’s creation , the beauty of birth and pure love of mother . 

Mothers are okay to go through that pain for their kids yet gives tremendous happiness to them.

Why does emotion Pain in the body ? 

Yes ,I’ve come across this similar question . 

Why do we feel tremendous pain when we were hurt emotionally like break up, thought of loosing a friend, failure, rejection, when your loved ones leave you ? 

Because it is said that both Emotional and Physical Pain Activate Similar Brain Regions [the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex] 

Yes, you read it correctly , unfortunately that’s how our body system works ! Hurting a person emotionally and the pain they undergo is equal to the pain caused when they’re physically hurt !

May be this might be the reason why ppl say "think twice and wise while you’re talking to a person !"

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Thorns !

Remembering you will always remind me of a "Rose surrounded by thorns".

Met you as a stranger and always had a feeling that you’ve a different frame of mind, interacting with you made me realize and changed my perception towards you, pondering how hard it is to figure out how sweet you are. 

Likewise, the thorns you’ve erected around you made my senses feel numb, which picked me up and placed me into a situation where you are a stranger.

My introspection about you made me to probe this phrase 

If you judge a book based on it’s cover, you might miss an amazing story”

Friday, February 22, 2019


Blessed are those people who can ignore the situations and move on. 

But when you look at the other side, the person who will be ignored and not good at this game will always mutilate his heart and always ponder about the bruises occurred due to the ignorance which the person encountered .

Not everyone will have the potential to ignore people or the situations as they want to, yet in this competitive world ignorance is the best quality to achieve heights and taste success !

Ignorance is the best medicine which leads you to state of bliss !

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Comfort Zone 

Conversation between two Wise men

A man (1) saw a person in bad mood and asked why are u so depressed . 

Then he (Man 2) answered in this way . I'm not in a depressed nor good  mode , infact I'm in between happiness and agony i.e., I'm in a state that, I know what is right and what is wrong. 

Which path or decision that I take will lead me to happiness and other one will lead me to the path of agony, pain, sorrows  and depression.  

Yet my heart, so stupid enough to pick the 2nd path even though it knows the consequences.

Then Man (1) answered  dear wise guy your in a situation where you always want to pick the 2nd path as your so used to it and don’t know how the bright side looks like.  

This path always comforts you with the consequences since your aware of it and you’re pretty sure you can live with it. If you want to be in the bright side come out of the comfort zone and deal with bright side. 

Initially it will be hard since your heart is always moving towards the comfort zone but deliberately you need push yourself to come out of the comfort zone and hammer all the obstacles though it is a road which is filled with thorns like setbacks , disappointment , discouragements and delusions of failure. 

But these are the parameters that will guide you to the path of the bright side. 

So always aim the bright side and explore the new possibilities!

Why ?

It’s strange!

when the distance between us was quite far yet our minds were connected and the situation is as such that the distance is minimal but weren’t connected anymore.

Sometimes, I wonder how will GOD have fun or play  ?

May be by giving such situations to humans ;)

I always tell to myself in such situations, as  I’m a person who always believes in Destiny

People always come into our life for some reason . It may be shorter period or longer period. Either They'll live with you forever or teach a lesson to you and go away and remain as sweet memory !”

About a wonderful person ! 

What is that I’m seeking ? 

I’m one such being in this world who always think that love is the only source of happiness ! 

The human instincts in me always disappoints me and makes me feel low due the lack of communication which happens via this channel love.

I always seeked for the parental love , this is one hunger which thrives in my heart and portrayed in all my prayers and waited for answers from the almighty for several years. 

Yet I’ve received the answer from him in form of a brother who routed me to receive the love which I always wanted.  

However the almighty provided me with such blessings for shorter while . Which again made me a seeker filled with emptiness and heart thriving for the little happiness which I’ve experienced. 

This short span of experience is leading me to the state of uncertainty ! Doubt that I’ll loose what all precious things left with me. 

I want to cry out loud and hard and say it’s mine ! 

All I need is happiness in the form of love and not in any means ! 

Jesus !


Lust, anger, hatred, sadness, fear, shame, love, envy, Trust for all these emotions end point is happiness ! 

The moment you’re done with these emotions you lead yourself to the state of happiness

It’s the end point for any and every emotion. 

Happiness is one emotion which make you feel alive.


She Inspires me!
Though there are many a woman in my life who provides amazing and inspiring support to me, the first and foremost in my mind is my very own mother.
My mother is my first Guru who taught me the life skills and values which are at the very core of my own self.
I believe words are not enough to describe her sacrifices and her unconditional love for my family in general and for myself in particular.

I still remember the day when my dad explained me the way my mother felt when I took my first baby steps. He said, “Badri, when you started walking with your tiny little steps your mother felt as if she herself started walking for the first time in her life”. 

I would like to quote one incident to highlight my mother’s sacrifices. She is a graduate in commerce stream and her analytical skills are equal to that of a computer and I recall hearing it from my dad that she had cleared quite a lot of banking exams but she didn’t join any of them. I once broached that subject to her with this query in my head as why she, despite clearing highly competitive banking exams, she has not joined any major banks despite the fact that in those days banking professionals are looked up as highly paid, classy, qualified and respectful citizens.  She said to me with a smile that her kids are her primary interests of life and money and other attractions are not the same as one’s love for her family and the time spent missing with one’s kids is unworthy and lost forever. She sacrificed her professional life for us. “Always love your family money doesn’t matters” is a quote from her many times. 
The Best thing that I have learnt from my mother is that “No person is a stranger”, she looks and smile at every person that she faces, in this current world where people keep ignoring the known people and this lady smiles and greets everyone based on the motto - “Love and respect every human being “

Thus, she inspired me in many ways greatly.

Love you ma. 


Love is such thing appears to be in different perceptions.  

Love of a mother towards her son , which is the purest form in the entire universe till today. 
You get to yell at her show your agony and all, but still she looks at you with a smile and says “This too shall Pass”. 

Here one thing I’ve observed a lot is you get to yell at her without any thought of what she thinks when you yell at her ? Never as their feel or love towards her children is never ending ! Imagine if they answer you back ? Ideally it will never happen though ! 

Love of a father towards his son , it’s inevitable ! This reminds of the phases which my father been with me till today ! 

As an infant , loved me like life

As a kid , behaved like a monarch 

As a teenager ,behaved like a guide 

As a man , behaved like a friend

Father is the only person who think twice to buy a shirt ,wondering the money I spent for shirt can be used to my children favorite food, Game, things e.t.c.,

Happy valentines day ! 


There is a saying “Empty Vessels make the most noise

Similarly in life we won’t sense any such when everyone is around us , may be we don’t get to know the value of the people when they are around us ! 

The moment when the person is not around anymore we would sense the feeling of emptiness which lead to more noise of loneliness, lack of happiness, sadness or that person can be a beautiful memory. depending upon the perception of dealing it  ! 

Never ever leave or ignore a person who is there for you! You never know he would become sweet memory or the reason behind your melancholy ! 

Self Love

Why do we love someone ?  Or what I feel is we love someone since that makes us happy ?? Cause we love our self a lot ? 

Yes , the foremost thing which we like/love in your or my life is our self. We love our self a lot !  We do what makes us to feel happy ! 

You heard it right !! What makes us feel comfortable enough, even though it’s painful.

If a guy/girl comes into your life and you get to let them stay or let them leave is just for the sake of your happiness ! 

You let them in for different reasons like you like them , you need them for some work, you need them for sake of revenge as well ;) 

You let them leave your life , may be due to ego, when you like someone and you want them in your life though you leave them, anger , revenge as well ! 

If you see the both the scenarios are done for the sake of your happiness or satisfaction ! 

Yes, we love our self a lot no matter how much you deny it ;)