Thursday, February 21, 2019

She Inspires me!
Though there are many a woman in my life who provides amazing and inspiring support to me, the first and foremost in my mind is my very own mother.
My mother is my first Guru who taught me the life skills and values which are at the very core of my own self.
I believe words are not enough to describe her sacrifices and her unconditional love for my family in general and for myself in particular.

I still remember the day when my dad explained me the way my mother felt when I took my first baby steps. He said, “Badri, when you started walking with your tiny little steps your mother felt as if she herself started walking for the first time in her life”. 

I would like to quote one incident to highlight my mother’s sacrifices. She is a graduate in commerce stream and her analytical skills are equal to that of a computer and I recall hearing it from my dad that she had cleared quite a lot of banking exams but she didn’t join any of them. I once broached that subject to her with this query in my head as why she, despite clearing highly competitive banking exams, she has not joined any major banks despite the fact that in those days banking professionals are looked up as highly paid, classy, qualified and respectful citizens.  She said to me with a smile that her kids are her primary interests of life and money and other attractions are not the same as one’s love for her family and the time spent missing with one’s kids is unworthy and lost forever. She sacrificed her professional life for us. “Always love your family money doesn’t matters” is a quote from her many times. 
The Best thing that I have learnt from my mother is that “No person is a stranger”, she looks and smile at every person that she faces, in this current world where people keep ignoring the known people and this lady smiles and greets everyone based on the motto - “Love and respect every human being “

Thus, she inspired me in many ways greatly.

Love you ma. 

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