Thursday, February 21, 2019

About a wonderful person ! 

What is that I’m seeking ? 

I’m one such being in this world who always think that love is the only source of happiness ! 

The human instincts in me always disappoints me and makes me feel low due the lack of communication which happens via this channel love.

I always seeked for the parental love , this is one hunger which thrives in my heart and portrayed in all my prayers and waited for answers from the almighty for several years. 

Yet I’ve received the answer from him in form of a brother who routed me to receive the love which I always wanted.  

However the almighty provided me with such blessings for shorter while . Which again made me a seeker filled with emptiness and heart thriving for the little happiness which I’ve experienced. 

This short span of experience is leading me to the state of uncertainty ! Doubt that I’ll loose what all precious things left with me. 

I want to cry out loud and hard and say it’s mine ! 

All I need is happiness in the form of love and not in any means ! 

Jesus !

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