Thursday, February 21, 2019


Love is such thing appears to be in different perceptions.  

Love of a mother towards her son , which is the purest form in the entire universe till today. 
You get to yell at her show your agony and all, but still she looks at you with a smile and says “This too shall Pass”. 

Here one thing I’ve observed a lot is you get to yell at her without any thought of what she thinks when you yell at her ? Never as their feel or love towards her children is never ending ! Imagine if they answer you back ? Ideally it will never happen though ! 

Love of a father towards his son , it’s inevitable ! This reminds of the phases which my father been with me till today ! 

As an infant , loved me like life

As a kid , behaved like a monarch 

As a teenager ,behaved like a guide 

As a man , behaved like a friend

Father is the only person who think twice to buy a shirt ,wondering the money I spent for shirt can be used to my children favorite food, Game, things e.t.c.,

Happy valentines day ! 

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