Thursday, February 21, 2019

Comfort Zone 

Conversation between two Wise men

A man (1) saw a person in bad mood and asked why are u so depressed . 

Then he (Man 2) answered in this way . I'm not in a depressed nor good  mode , infact I'm in between happiness and agony i.e., I'm in a state that, I know what is right and what is wrong. 

Which path or decision that I take will lead me to happiness and other one will lead me to the path of agony, pain, sorrows  and depression.  

Yet my heart, so stupid enough to pick the 2nd path even though it knows the consequences.

Then Man (1) answered  dear wise guy your in a situation where you always want to pick the 2nd path as your so used to it and don’t know how the bright side looks like.  

This path always comforts you with the consequences since your aware of it and you’re pretty sure you can live with it. If you want to be in the bright side come out of the comfort zone and deal with bright side. 

Initially it will be hard since your heart is always moving towards the comfort zone but deliberately you need push yourself to come out of the comfort zone and hammer all the obstacles though it is a road which is filled with thorns like setbacks , disappointment , discouragements and delusions of failure. 

But these are the parameters that will guide you to the path of the bright side. 

So always aim the bright side and explore the new possibilities!

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