Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Happy 62nd birthday dad!

Time is passing of so quick, memories are rushing in my head like an express train.
I feel it’s like yesterday dad,

How you used to run behind us  in order make us ready for the school

Polish our shoes 

Press our clothes with a container filled with hot water, damn I still don’t know how to press my clothes dad 🤣

Dressing me up with school uniform.

Fast and bumpy ride to school.

Weekend maggi prepared by you.

Stealing money from you pocket.

Spilling out all mom’s secrets near you which I’m not supposed utter as per my deal with mom.

First day at office and seeing a million dollar smile on your face!

Our first own house

Kiran's marriage and vadinas entrance into your little family.

Nostalgic daddy!

I miss you dad ❤️  and love you!


Monday, June 29, 2020

My calloused fingertips trace through your silhouettes of smooth, contrasting thighs of yours and navigate to your rounded hips.

Both our breath and inhalation whisper of longing, Longing to stay together!

I crave for your mouth, your cherry lips, your voice, your hair, I want to eat you like a jelly 😋

Making love is an art of living !

I feel like orchestrating your moans by playing the music with my finger inside you!

The most hardest task is unhooking women lingerie Because When men lose patience or in hurry the most easiest task becomes an hurdle for them ;)

Women body is like nature and it will be always a eyes feast to witness nature.

No matter how many times men see it, he will be always amazed as if he is seeing it for the first time. As men urges a lot for a women body, he feels the women body like as if he is an ocean, goosebumps all over him. Thriving to hold every bit of the nature.

Sometimes I feel "I wish I've an extra hand ".

I have the same urge now regards you! I want to emerge myself into the ocean and feel the nature again and again! Make love with you! Bite your vertical lips and write songs with my manhood inside you ;)

Beautiful! Thoughts about sex is always beautiful. If you ask me what's your first priority, money or sex(love). I would prefer love. 

It makes you alive! Reason for your existence, Reason for your bonding!


Sunday, June 28, 2020


I was growing up with several thoughts upon them, whenever I look at them I get frightened because they snatch money from people. I always see them near the traffic signals or trains or near shops asking for money! I spoke to myself pondering how rude of them as they snatch the money!

One day I was having breakfast in a restaurant and then a hijra I.e., transgender sat next to me. I was having food and at the same time I was scared looking at her worried that she’ll snatch away all the money from me and all of a sudden I’d started coughing, to my surprise she told thambi drink this water and eat properly, also, she monitored me till I finished with the food. While leaving she blessed me and told me to take care of myself.

At that point, I’d felt as if I spoke to my mother or sister and I didn’t get scared at all.

At that instant, my opinion towards them got changed and have come to the conclusion that a woman’s soul living in a different body, as I felt a woman in that hijra rather than a man or a person who snatches the money.

I ran to her and asked her Akka(elder sister), how are you dealing with it and her answer was,

I’d accepted that I’m a woman trapped in a men’s body and I’d started accepting it and I don’t require anybody’s approval!

Then why do you ask people for money? She told that I’m interested to work but where is the opportunity?

I want to work but no one offers me a job!

I want to study right from childhood but which educational institute is accepting me to study?

I don’t have any parents because they’ve disowned me after they got to know that I’m a woman in a man’s body!

If you believe in God then it’s his creation, If not it’s a glitch in the mother’s womb as I didn’t choose to exist in this way!

I felt that everything she told made sense, but how broadly our society is willing to accept in our country India?

In many other countries, it is legalized and so does in our country as well. But the way the people from LGBTQ+ community are treated in our country is entirely different compared to many other countries out there, they declare themselves as gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender the moment they realise and people around them accept them for what they are and give them normal living.

But in our country, we are still living with this stereotypes and not accepting them.

Hopefully, the government should include about LGBTQ+ community in their educational system to give awareness that it’s normal and campaigns should be conducted to make people realise and break this stereotypes !

June month is officially declared as a Pride Month! on this month in the past, Brenda Howard, a bisexual activist, is known as the "Mother of Pride" for her work in coordinating the march, and she also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June as Pride month!


Friday, June 26, 2020

What are you doing?

Yes, I’m asking you what are you doing?

In this pandemic situation this is the question which arises in your head, maybe not with everyone but with few.

I ponder myself that am I living my life? What changed in me?

I always wondered how life of a bird would be in a cage?

I always wondered how life of an animal would be behind bars?

Never think too much on the such things, because you may end up being like that.

However, I’ve started living my life like this due to this pandemic situation.

Maybe, I never spoke to myself or heard myself all these years! Now due to the current situation ,I’ve started talking to myself, thinking about myself, understanding myself.

Its not that I’m not alone, I’ve started realizing that I’d never thought of myself!

If you get such thoughts, that means you’ve started trying to understand yourself .


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Run run run!

We humans run behind many things, running to achieve your aspirations or dreams which can be anything!

Some run behind love

Some run behind money

Some run behind lust

Some run behind people who don’t care about them

Some run behind success

In that race, only a few reach the end line, few stay a few backs and compensate their life with for triviality!

Why did I mention it as nothing? How can you compensate your wishes and dreams with something you never thought of?

Even though you did, you feel hallow and nothing 😁

Imagine, your running behind your loved ones and you left the race in between!!

She/he is marrying someone!

She/he is sleeping with someone!

All the place where you are supposed to be and not that something which you are not going to do it.

You’re running behind your dream of becoming a dancer but you halted the race in between and became someone which you never thought of.
End of the day you’re compensating with nothing 😁

Even after that we would be running, but this time we won’t be running behind it but running away from it.



Tuesday, June 16, 2020


It seems to be a simple word!  But the verbal part of this word is a game-changer.

Right from a kid picking an ice-cream, to the same kid who had grown up to choose those parameters in life to upgrade to his better self ❤️

Choice plays a vital role in everyone’s life.

Make choice wisely, as you never know which sensory feeling you’ll end up triggering based on your choice.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Another Day-4

I sat in the backseat and slowly drifted down onto the seat and started sleeping.

Then I’d entered into that mode where I could see all memories passing in my head. This particular memory is one of my favorite memory with her.

I love the word protagonist!

This word reminds me of my mother, the only sensation which I know right from when I was in the womb is my mother.

The only person whom I adore the most is my mother.

I still remember the 1st day of my school because I was never away from my mother till then. It was like a nightmare leaving her.

I’d no clue how my day is going to take off until I noticed her, She somehow made me to feel comfortable in spite of all the circumstances based on her presence. Since then the school has become more comfortable for me.

We Indians have a stereotype, when you want to make anyone believe in you, then you get to promise on your mother as she plays a significant role in your life and from that day I used to promise either on my mother or her.

Somehow, from that day onwards I’ve two protagonists in my life ❤️


Thursday, June 11, 2020

What is the body made for?  It is a vessel to capture the soul.

What is a shadow then? I thought it’s a reflection of our body till now. 

But l got to know what a shadow is after looking at your picture, A shadow is a reflection of your soul and your soul is the happiest, prettiest, lovable and beautiful cause I never saw a shadow smiling.

You are so beautiful pilla ❤️!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Living in the present with the past memories? How should I label it as present, if I’m running behind past?

“Present” has 2 meanings, one is the current state and the other one is “GIFT”.

Is it true our mind captures all the memories in Digital impression? Cause whenever I think of the past, it just casts all those memories right in front of eyes as if it’s happening with me again and again which leads me to the state of bygone!!

In my case present means GIFT, I’m gifted with past thoughts that haunt me which I never wanted!

Nevertheless, I’m comparing them to a GIFT or a blessing! How ridiculous of me? To think that I’m living in Present which routes me to Past!


Monday, June 8, 2020

She was sitting there, watching a show,
Talking to her friend and  laughing like an angel and posing for a picture!

She dressed gracefully in a saree and her beauty enhanced even more by her fashion sense that anyone will be enthralled and hypnotized by her beauty.
The pose depicts in many ways beautiful, lovable, sexual, romantic and peaceful ❤❤

The beauty of saree is, it reveals the beauty of women’s body her waist curves and hidden belly button, visible whenever breeze hits near her navel.

This drives any men crazy to the core!

Saree is weapon to mesmerize any men with her hidden beauty!

You drive me crazy whenever you’re in saree Angel ❤️


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Why do I always fail to expose my piled-up feeling with you?

Here I’m stationed in the world of bygone.

Every person I meet makes me remind you, not because they behave like you it’s just that I can’t forget you and restore you with someone.

Even during my intimate moments, I couldn’t proceed as my love can’t respawn for some other person.

You’re my epitome of happiness!

You’re a symbol of my love and lust!

You’re the meaning of devotion!

My thoughts will outbreak sometimes and throw me into the abyss!

Love is a beautiful feeling and it’s the source of everything!

I may not be with you but my thoughts for you keeping popping out on the rate of heartbeat per second.


Another Day -3

She is in peace and I was the reason behind it, It feels great as most of the time I notice the painless smile and blooming face.

It reminds me of the trip I went with her, it was an unexpected trip to the city of palaces.

Even though we’d scheduled it one month prior, we’re done with all the flight and hotel reservations. But I’d fallen sick 2 weeks prior to the trip, high-temperature which is close to 105o F and I was in such a situation that I couldn’t pull myself out of the bed.

I’d consulted my brother who is a doctor right away for medical assistance and I’d mentioned to him how important is that trip for me, since it’s her birthday.

Days passed and my situation is becoming even more worse in such a way that I got hit by typhoid.

However, I got rid of it in the initial stages by taking high dosages. But still, the temperature remained. I’d lost all my weight, always wrapped up myself with a blanket like an Egyptian Mummy at least for a week and I’m scared that I’ll not make it to the trip.

My body temperature kept on fluctuating, but my subconscious mind is so determined to be with her during her birthday that I’d bluffed about my health situation with her.

Finally, I’d lost my hopes and then my guru had come to place which he generally does it once in a while to check my whereabouts.

I’d told him about my situation, then he looked at me and gave a reckless smile that shook me and had thrown me into the state of bewildered. Then he gave one Ayurveda medicine which is kind of a game-changer or magic spell to recover from my health because that night my temperature reduced to 99o F, which didn’t lessen for the past one week. This happened two days prior to the trip.

The next day I’d continued the same  Ayurveda medicine and the temperature remained constant and the happiness which I'd that day was tremendous because her birthday was so important for me.

That night I’d packed my clothes with the same dizziness situations, my brother suggested me not to travel due to health condition and my roommate also advised me the same, but I didn’t adhere to their advice.

I woke up in the morning and was so dizzy that I couldn’t pull myself, I somehow went into the restroom and after few minutes I’d realized that I got fainted then and there itself. Slowly I’d dragged onto the bed and lost consciousness later.

After one hour I'd received a call from the airport cab driver, I still don’t remember how I pulled myself into the cab by climbing down 4 floors with 15 kilos of baggage. I slept off in the car the moment I got in and my trip to the City of palaces thus started!!


Friday, June 5, 2020

35 years of togetherness

Marriage! Relationship! Love!

The beauty of Indian tradition is marriage, unlike other countries.

They stick to each other during their thick and thins and stay together even when they’re in good, bad and ugly situations!!

Like movies, my parents marriage got fixed by their parents way before they’re born . I can say they are the happiest couple, atleast they look in that way for me.

The best thing which I’ve learned from this couple is “trust”.

Yes, you’ve heard it right.

Trust is the basic essence of any relationship and this I got to know during one of the conversations with my mother.

Your father is a very busy person as he works in the machinery industry. During that time your brother was 4 years old and you are about to come out, she said this and smiled.

Your father used to travel to various cities to deliver his company products for several weeks and sometime even for a month. I was so worried and I didn’t know when he is going to return.
During that period communication is only via letters unlike the means of communication we’re using today.

Amma, were you not worried or angry about not receiving appropriate details and whereabouts?

The answer which i'd received from her completely changed my mindset about marriage and relationships.

“I believe and trust that he is safe and sound, simultaneously I’ll keep him in his prayers.

He believes that I’ll be fine and will take care of our kids without any worries.

It’s not that we are not worried about each other, we do😁 ”

Nowadays due to the technology we receive multiple calls from your life partner for our well being and everything, but during that period only postcard and still she waited for him and that too mutual trust and this continued for 35 years.

Such a adorable couple 👬.

This is one of my favorite day which i should always remember because this is the reason for my existence 😁

Wishing 35years of togetherness  Mom and dad 🙃


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

There are many species in the planet Earth!

Out of all the species god choose humans, they are different from other species because they’re gifted with the biggest asset called “Thinking”.

By using this biggest asset humans started to civilize themselves right from discovery of fire to launching a Rocket.

Humans are gifted with power of thinking, in the process of thinking they’ve become superior beings. So superior that we gazed into the path of invention and innovation.

 In the start it was challenging and every invention was applauded and appreciated because it lead humans to the path of sophisticated experience as we’ve abundant resources. Invented machinery and methods to tame animals.

Over the phase of time humans started exhausting the resources, animals are caged and kept behind the bars A.K.A ZOO in the name of recreation and entertainment.

Humans have reached such a superiority level that they’ve started considering other species i.e., other than humans as under privileged and few of them stopped valuing their life for their pleasure by feeding them fire crackers to these innocent beings.

If incase GOD exists, I believe that he had created each and every species with the same right to live on earth!! However, it no longer exists in this case after witnessing such atrocities.

Apologies my dear mother elephant and the unborn !


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Where are we heading to?

I see happiness filled with setbacks! I’m living in a world where everyone wears a mask with a smile and what lies beyond the mask is still a mystery!!

You want to get that mystery resolved? It’s easy, confront yourself in front of the mirror and answers will be unveiled, surprised! Remove the mask and just look at yourself.

Sometimes, we wish to find a wormhole so that we go into our past and undo the things. However, in spite of putting several effort to undo the past but you may end up getting hooked up onto the same end point called Destiny.

We may try to undo the series of sequence which may cause that situation, but we cannot undo the destiny. It may have N combinations but you’ve only tried to undo only one combination which you are aware of and what about the rest?

Relationship are hypothetical and world had become so tangled that you can’t even find simple love?

No off course, because the definition of love is altered according to persons perceptions!
