Wednesday, June 3, 2020

There are many species in the planet Earth!

Out of all the species god choose humans, they are different from other species because they’re gifted with the biggest asset called “Thinking”.

By using this biggest asset humans started to civilize themselves right from discovery of fire to launching a Rocket.

Humans are gifted with power of thinking, in the process of thinking they’ve become superior beings. So superior that we gazed into the path of invention and innovation.

 In the start it was challenging and every invention was applauded and appreciated because it lead humans to the path of sophisticated experience as we’ve abundant resources. Invented machinery and methods to tame animals.

Over the phase of time humans started exhausting the resources, animals are caged and kept behind the bars A.K.A ZOO in the name of recreation and entertainment.

Humans have reached such a superiority level that they’ve started considering other species i.e., other than humans as under privileged and few of them stopped valuing their life for their pleasure by feeding them fire crackers to these innocent beings.

If incase GOD exists, I believe that he had created each and every species with the same right to live on earth!! However, it no longer exists in this case after witnessing such atrocities.

Apologies my dear mother elephant and the unborn !


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