Sunday, June 7, 2020

Another Day -3

She is in peace and I was the reason behind it, It feels great as most of the time I notice the painless smile and blooming face.

It reminds me of the trip I went with her, it was an unexpected trip to the city of palaces.

Even though we’d scheduled it one month prior, we’re done with all the flight and hotel reservations. But I’d fallen sick 2 weeks prior to the trip, high-temperature which is close to 105o F and I was in such a situation that I couldn’t pull myself out of the bed.

I’d consulted my brother who is a doctor right away for medical assistance and I’d mentioned to him how important is that trip for me, since it’s her birthday.

Days passed and my situation is becoming even more worse in such a way that I got hit by typhoid.

However, I got rid of it in the initial stages by taking high dosages. But still, the temperature remained. I’d lost all my weight, always wrapped up myself with a blanket like an Egyptian Mummy at least for a week and I’m scared that I’ll not make it to the trip.

My body temperature kept on fluctuating, but my subconscious mind is so determined to be with her during her birthday that I’d bluffed about my health situation with her.

Finally, I’d lost my hopes and then my guru had come to place which he generally does it once in a while to check my whereabouts.

I’d told him about my situation, then he looked at me and gave a reckless smile that shook me and had thrown me into the state of bewildered. Then he gave one Ayurveda medicine which is kind of a game-changer or magic spell to recover from my health because that night my temperature reduced to 99o F, which didn’t lessen for the past one week. This happened two days prior to the trip.

The next day I’d continued the same  Ayurveda medicine and the temperature remained constant and the happiness which I'd that day was tremendous because her birthday was so important for me.

That night I’d packed my clothes with the same dizziness situations, my brother suggested me not to travel due to health condition and my roommate also advised me the same, but I didn’t adhere to their advice.

I woke up in the morning and was so dizzy that I couldn’t pull myself, I somehow went into the restroom and after few minutes I’d realized that I got fainted then and there itself. Slowly I’d dragged onto the bed and lost consciousness later.

After one hour I'd received a call from the airport cab driver, I still don’t remember how I pulled myself into the cab by climbing down 4 floors with 15 kilos of baggage. I slept off in the car the moment I got in and my trip to the City of palaces thus started!!


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