Sunday, June 28, 2020


I was growing up with several thoughts upon them, whenever I look at them I get frightened because they snatch money from people. I always see them near the traffic signals or trains or near shops asking for money! I spoke to myself pondering how rude of them as they snatch the money!

One day I was having breakfast in a restaurant and then a hijra I.e., transgender sat next to me. I was having food and at the same time I was scared looking at her worried that she’ll snatch away all the money from me and all of a sudden I’d started coughing, to my surprise she told thambi drink this water and eat properly, also, she monitored me till I finished with the food. While leaving she blessed me and told me to take care of myself.

At that point, I’d felt as if I spoke to my mother or sister and I didn’t get scared at all.

At that instant, my opinion towards them got changed and have come to the conclusion that a woman’s soul living in a different body, as I felt a woman in that hijra rather than a man or a person who snatches the money.

I ran to her and asked her Akka(elder sister), how are you dealing with it and her answer was,

I’d accepted that I’m a woman trapped in a men’s body and I’d started accepting it and I don’t require anybody’s approval!

Then why do you ask people for money? She told that I’m interested to work but where is the opportunity?

I want to work but no one offers me a job!

I want to study right from childhood but which educational institute is accepting me to study?

I don’t have any parents because they’ve disowned me after they got to know that I’m a woman in a man’s body!

If you believe in God then it’s his creation, If not it’s a glitch in the mother’s womb as I didn’t choose to exist in this way!

I felt that everything she told made sense, but how broadly our society is willing to accept in our country India?

In many other countries, it is legalized and so does in our country as well. But the way the people from LGBTQ+ community are treated in our country is entirely different compared to many other countries out there, they declare themselves as gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender the moment they realise and people around them accept them for what they are and give them normal living.

But in our country, we are still living with this stereotypes and not accepting them.

Hopefully, the government should include about LGBTQ+ community in their educational system to give awareness that it’s normal and campaigns should be conducted to make people realise and break this stereotypes !

June month is officially declared as a Pride Month! on this month in the past, Brenda Howard, a bisexual activist, is known as the "Mother of Pride" for her work in coordinating the march, and she also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June as Pride month!



  1. The best I have ever read abt this kinda topic! Very intriguing ❤👌🏻

  2. Different view and yes we have to agree that all kinds of people exist in all genders and not stereotyping

    1. Exactly, even though it is legalised but the underprivileged people are still thinking that it's a sin and this have become a stereotype.

      So making it legal doesn't kill this stereotypes but need to be injected to every individual heads!
