Monday, June 29, 2020

My calloused fingertips trace through your silhouettes of smooth, contrasting thighs of yours and navigate to your rounded hips.

Both our breath and inhalation whisper of longing, Longing to stay together!

I crave for your mouth, your cherry lips, your voice, your hair, I want to eat you like a jelly 😋

Making love is an art of living !

I feel like orchestrating your moans by playing the music with my finger inside you!

The most hardest task is unhooking women lingerie Because When men lose patience or in hurry the most easiest task becomes an hurdle for them ;)

Women body is like nature and it will be always a eyes feast to witness nature.

No matter how many times men see it, he will be always amazed as if he is seeing it for the first time. As men urges a lot for a women body, he feels the women body like as if he is an ocean, goosebumps all over him. Thriving to hold every bit of the nature.

Sometimes I feel "I wish I've an extra hand ".

I have the same urge now regards you! I want to emerge myself into the ocean and feel the nature again and again! Make love with you! Bite your vertical lips and write songs with my manhood inside you ;)

Beautiful! Thoughts about sex is always beautiful. If you ask me what's your first priority, money or sex(love). I would prefer love. 

It makes you alive! Reason for your existence, Reason for your bonding!


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