Saturday, May 2, 2020

I could say it's all about Expectations!

Any relationship should adhere certain rules except with your parents and should always acknowledge their deeds!

As your partner always expects to be acknowledged for the things they've done for you.

Things not to be done if your in a relationship, never ever think your supreme authority unless your partner is solely thinks in that way about you. 

If one person acknowledges you in that way that doesn't mean that you tend to tag yourself with that supremacy which literally makes you a fool sitting on a ignorance throne and start ruling from there with that narcissist crown on your head expecting everyone to behave like that 😂😂.

If you still don't know what went wrong then read the below quote, it will help you to backtrace it.

"When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin"- Albus Dumbledore.

Expectations are essential for a certain extend, everyone should need to know their limits!!

#Badri #thoughtwritingsbybadri #expectations

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