Sunday, May 24, 2020

Nature is beautiful,  It can create things and destroy things!

The most critical, beautiful and sensitive creation of Nature is Women! I Sometimes have this feel that nature is reincarnated as WOMEN.

Women, just like the nature she can create and destroy if she want.

Women is termed as symbol of beauty, love, pleasant things, sexuality, inspirations for poetry, sadness, almost everything and anything because they are the essence for everything.

Women can create, I meant give birth.

For that process God has created this menstrual cycle, till my college time I was not aware about what menstrual cycle. Maybe due to my environment where we are prohibited to talk about it and been considered as not a good vibe, once I’d witnessed  my cousin lying on the bed and weeping by closing her face with the blanket and I’d no idea about it.

One day I was curious about it wondering why it is considered in that way, then I’ve received explanation from my friend in this way “women’s belly is the source and fuel for the baby when she is pregnant, so monthly wise it should be cleaned. Yes, it has lot of pain involved in it but yes women take it as blessing”.

Since, then my thoughts changed about menstrual cycle. This is the time women should treated with utmost care and love because the pain which they undergo is tremendous.

A month has got 30days and out of which 5days will be their menstrual cycle, with pre and post impact of another 10days and It will sums up to total 15 days.

How will a baby or a kid will be irritated if they urinate in their pants, imagine women have to go with those sanitary pads and with immense pain at that period.

During this 15 days their partners should take good care of them, oblige to them and rest of the 15days they will do whatever you want and you don’t even have to ask for it.

Take care of women like a rose, every petal is precious and beautiful!


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