Thursday, July 2, 2020

Why is that I always wait for a response from you?
Why is that I feel that unless you talk to me I can’t reach you?
Why is that I feel that you feel in a similar way?
Why is that I love you so much?
Why is that I’m scared to leave you?
Why is that I become vulnerable when I’m with you?

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I sense an unnoticed feeling every time I step out of the room and head to the terrace or outside these days!

I always get fascinated to see nature after a mammoth rain as everything will be pleasant and beautiful to witness! 

But after this pandemic situation, I feel as if I’m disconnected from my interest.

Another fascination which I’ve is, I just get lost by looking at those flock of chirping birds 🐦 and the Eagles which fly above us. 

Sometimes I get envious about them, not sometimes actually but from the time this pandemic situation arose, as they have no clue what’s going on around us. 

They are just living their regular routine, which all of us are thriving to get it.

Every morning I wake up and come up with this thought another day got triggered and what next? What all things I’m going to hear? 

I believe most of us are in the same situation!

Away from our family, loved ones, partners, your goals, your routines, your dreams! 

Let them know that “I’m there for you and we’re in this together “ by making a single call or a text message which is much needed during this pandemic situation.

Love you my fellow human beings! 

Stay safe!


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Happy 62nd birthday dad!

Time is passing of so quick, memories are rushing in my head like an express train.
I feel it’s like yesterday dad,

How you used to run behind us  in order make us ready for the school

Polish our shoes 

Press our clothes with a container filled with hot water, damn I still don’t know how to press my clothes dad 🤣

Dressing me up with school uniform.

Fast and bumpy ride to school.

Weekend maggi prepared by you.

Stealing money from you pocket.

Spilling out all mom’s secrets near you which I’m not supposed utter as per my deal with mom.

First day at office and seeing a million dollar smile on your face!

Our first own house

Kiran's marriage and vadinas entrance into your little family.

Nostalgic daddy!

I miss you dad ❤️  and love you!


Monday, June 29, 2020

My calloused fingertips trace through your silhouettes of smooth, contrasting thighs of yours and navigate to your rounded hips.

Both our breath and inhalation whisper of longing, Longing to stay together!

I crave for your mouth, your cherry lips, your voice, your hair, I want to eat you like a jelly 😋

Making love is an art of living !

I feel like orchestrating your moans by playing the music with my finger inside you!

The most hardest task is unhooking women lingerie Because When men lose patience or in hurry the most easiest task becomes an hurdle for them ;)

Women body is like nature and it will be always a eyes feast to witness nature.

No matter how many times men see it, he will be always amazed as if he is seeing it for the first time. As men urges a lot for a women body, he feels the women body like as if he is an ocean, goosebumps all over him. Thriving to hold every bit of the nature.

Sometimes I feel "I wish I've an extra hand ".

I have the same urge now regards you! I want to emerge myself into the ocean and feel the nature again and again! Make love with you! Bite your vertical lips and write songs with my manhood inside you ;)

Beautiful! Thoughts about sex is always beautiful. If you ask me what's your first priority, money or sex(love). I would prefer love. 

It makes you alive! Reason for your existence, Reason for your bonding!


Sunday, June 28, 2020


I was growing up with several thoughts upon them, whenever I look at them I get frightened because they snatch money from people. I always see them near the traffic signals or trains or near shops asking for money! I spoke to myself pondering how rude of them as they snatch the money!

One day I was having breakfast in a restaurant and then a hijra I.e., transgender sat next to me. I was having food and at the same time I was scared looking at her worried that she’ll snatch away all the money from me and all of a sudden I’d started coughing, to my surprise she told thambi drink this water and eat properly, also, she monitored me till I finished with the food. While leaving she blessed me and told me to take care of myself.

At that point, I’d felt as if I spoke to my mother or sister and I didn’t get scared at all.

At that instant, my opinion towards them got changed and have come to the conclusion that a woman’s soul living in a different body, as I felt a woman in that hijra rather than a man or a person who snatches the money.

I ran to her and asked her Akka(elder sister), how are you dealing with it and her answer was,

I’d accepted that I’m a woman trapped in a men’s body and I’d started accepting it and I don’t require anybody’s approval!

Then why do you ask people for money? She told that I’m interested to work but where is the opportunity?

I want to work but no one offers me a job!

I want to study right from childhood but which educational institute is accepting me to study?

I don’t have any parents because they’ve disowned me after they got to know that I’m a woman in a man’s body!

If you believe in God then it’s his creation, If not it’s a glitch in the mother’s womb as I didn’t choose to exist in this way!

I felt that everything she told made sense, but how broadly our society is willing to accept in our country India?

In many other countries, it is legalized and so does in our country as well. But the way the people from LGBTQ+ community are treated in our country is entirely different compared to many other countries out there, they declare themselves as gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender the moment they realise and people around them accept them for what they are and give them normal living.

But in our country, we are still living with this stereotypes and not accepting them.

Hopefully, the government should include about LGBTQ+ community in their educational system to give awareness that it’s normal and campaigns should be conducted to make people realise and break this stereotypes !

June month is officially declared as a Pride Month! on this month in the past, Brenda Howard, a bisexual activist, is known as the "Mother of Pride" for her work in coordinating the march, and she also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June as Pride month!


Friday, June 26, 2020

What are you doing?

Yes, I’m asking you what are you doing?

In this pandemic situation this is the question which arises in your head, maybe not with everyone but with few.

I ponder myself that am I living my life? What changed in me?

I always wondered how life of a bird would be in a cage?

I always wondered how life of an animal would be behind bars?

Never think too much on the such things, because you may end up being like that.

However, I’ve started living my life like this due to this pandemic situation.

Maybe, I never spoke to myself or heard myself all these years! Now due to the current situation ,I’ve started talking to myself, thinking about myself, understanding myself.

Its not that I’m not alone, I’ve started realizing that I’d never thought of myself!

If you get such thoughts, that means you’ve started trying to understand yourself .


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Run run run!

We humans run behind many things, running to achieve your aspirations or dreams which can be anything!

Some run behind love

Some run behind money

Some run behind lust

Some run behind people who don’t care about them

Some run behind success

In that race, only a few reach the end line, few stay a few backs and compensate their life with for triviality!

Why did I mention it as nothing? How can you compensate your wishes and dreams with something you never thought of?

Even though you did, you feel hallow and nothing 😁

Imagine, your running behind your loved ones and you left the race in between!!

She/he is marrying someone!

She/he is sleeping with someone!

All the place where you are supposed to be and not that something which you are not going to do it.

You’re running behind your dream of becoming a dancer but you halted the race in between and became someone which you never thought of.
End of the day you’re compensating with nothing 😁

Even after that we would be running, but this time we won’t be running behind it but running away from it.



Tuesday, June 16, 2020


It seems to be a simple word!  But the verbal part of this word is a game-changer.

Right from a kid picking an ice-cream, to the same kid who had grown up to choose those parameters in life to upgrade to his better self ❤️

Choice plays a vital role in everyone’s life.

Make choice wisely, as you never know which sensory feeling you’ll end up triggering based on your choice.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Another Day-4

I sat in the backseat and slowly drifted down onto the seat and started sleeping.

Then I’d entered into that mode where I could see all memories passing in my head. This particular memory is one of my favorite memory with her.

I love the word protagonist!

This word reminds me of my mother, the only sensation which I know right from when I was in the womb is my mother.

The only person whom I adore the most is my mother.

I still remember the 1st day of my school because I was never away from my mother till then. It was like a nightmare leaving her.

I’d no clue how my day is going to take off until I noticed her, She somehow made me to feel comfortable in spite of all the circumstances based on her presence. Since then the school has become more comfortable for me.

We Indians have a stereotype, when you want to make anyone believe in you, then you get to promise on your mother as she plays a significant role in your life and from that day I used to promise either on my mother or her.

Somehow, from that day onwards I’ve two protagonists in my life ❤️


Thursday, June 11, 2020

What is the body made for?  It is a vessel to capture the soul.

What is a shadow then? I thought it’s a reflection of our body till now. 

But l got to know what a shadow is after looking at your picture, A shadow is a reflection of your soul and your soul is the happiest, prettiest, lovable and beautiful cause I never saw a shadow smiling.

You are so beautiful pilla ❤️!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Living in the present with the past memories? How should I label it as present, if I’m running behind past?

“Present” has 2 meanings, one is the current state and the other one is “GIFT”.

Is it true our mind captures all the memories in Digital impression? Cause whenever I think of the past, it just casts all those memories right in front of eyes as if it’s happening with me again and again which leads me to the state of bygone!!

In my case present means GIFT, I’m gifted with past thoughts that haunt me which I never wanted!

Nevertheless, I’m comparing them to a GIFT or a blessing! How ridiculous of me? To think that I’m living in Present which routes me to Past!


Monday, June 8, 2020

She was sitting there, watching a show,
Talking to her friend and  laughing like an angel and posing for a picture!

She dressed gracefully in a saree and her beauty enhanced even more by her fashion sense that anyone will be enthralled and hypnotized by her beauty.
The pose depicts in many ways beautiful, lovable, sexual, romantic and peaceful ❤❤

The beauty of saree is, it reveals the beauty of women’s body her waist curves and hidden belly button, visible whenever breeze hits near her navel.

This drives any men crazy to the core!

Saree is weapon to mesmerize any men with her hidden beauty!

You drive me crazy whenever you’re in saree Angel ❤️


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Why do I always fail to expose my piled-up feeling with you?

Here I’m stationed in the world of bygone.

Every person I meet makes me remind you, not because they behave like you it’s just that I can’t forget you and restore you with someone.

Even during my intimate moments, I couldn’t proceed as my love can’t respawn for some other person.

You’re my epitome of happiness!

You’re a symbol of my love and lust!

You’re the meaning of devotion!

My thoughts will outbreak sometimes and throw me into the abyss!

Love is a beautiful feeling and it’s the source of everything!

I may not be with you but my thoughts for you keeping popping out on the rate of heartbeat per second.


Another Day -3

She is in peace and I was the reason behind it, It feels great as most of the time I notice the painless smile and blooming face.

It reminds me of the trip I went with her, it was an unexpected trip to the city of palaces.

Even though we’d scheduled it one month prior, we’re done with all the flight and hotel reservations. But I’d fallen sick 2 weeks prior to the trip, high-temperature which is close to 105o F and I was in such a situation that I couldn’t pull myself out of the bed.

I’d consulted my brother who is a doctor right away for medical assistance and I’d mentioned to him how important is that trip for me, since it’s her birthday.

Days passed and my situation is becoming even more worse in such a way that I got hit by typhoid.

However, I got rid of it in the initial stages by taking high dosages. But still, the temperature remained. I’d lost all my weight, always wrapped up myself with a blanket like an Egyptian Mummy at least for a week and I’m scared that I’ll not make it to the trip.

My body temperature kept on fluctuating, but my subconscious mind is so determined to be with her during her birthday that I’d bluffed about my health situation with her.

Finally, I’d lost my hopes and then my guru had come to place which he generally does it once in a while to check my whereabouts.

I’d told him about my situation, then he looked at me and gave a reckless smile that shook me and had thrown me into the state of bewildered. Then he gave one Ayurveda medicine which is kind of a game-changer or magic spell to recover from my health because that night my temperature reduced to 99o F, which didn’t lessen for the past one week. This happened two days prior to the trip.

The next day I’d continued the same  Ayurveda medicine and the temperature remained constant and the happiness which I'd that day was tremendous because her birthday was so important for me.

That night I’d packed my clothes with the same dizziness situations, my brother suggested me not to travel due to health condition and my roommate also advised me the same, but I didn’t adhere to their advice.

I woke up in the morning and was so dizzy that I couldn’t pull myself, I somehow went into the restroom and after few minutes I’d realized that I got fainted then and there itself. Slowly I’d dragged onto the bed and lost consciousness later.

After one hour I'd received a call from the airport cab driver, I still don’t remember how I pulled myself into the cab by climbing down 4 floors with 15 kilos of baggage. I slept off in the car the moment I got in and my trip to the City of palaces thus started!!


Friday, June 5, 2020

35 years of togetherness

Marriage! Relationship! Love!

The beauty of Indian tradition is marriage, unlike other countries.

They stick to each other during their thick and thins and stay together even when they’re in good, bad and ugly situations!!

Like movies, my parents marriage got fixed by their parents way before they’re born . I can say they are the happiest couple, atleast they look in that way for me.

The best thing which I’ve learned from this couple is “trust”.

Yes, you’ve heard it right.

Trust is the basic essence of any relationship and this I got to know during one of the conversations with my mother.

Your father is a very busy person as he works in the machinery industry. During that time your brother was 4 years old and you are about to come out, she said this and smiled.

Your father used to travel to various cities to deliver his company products for several weeks and sometime even for a month. I was so worried and I didn’t know when he is going to return.
During that period communication is only via letters unlike the means of communication we’re using today.

Amma, were you not worried or angry about not receiving appropriate details and whereabouts?

The answer which i'd received from her completely changed my mindset about marriage and relationships.

“I believe and trust that he is safe and sound, simultaneously I’ll keep him in his prayers.

He believes that I’ll be fine and will take care of our kids without any worries.

It’s not that we are not worried about each other, we do😁 ”

Nowadays due to the technology we receive multiple calls from your life partner for our well being and everything, but during that period only postcard and still she waited for him and that too mutual trust and this continued for 35 years.

Such a adorable couple 👬.

This is one of my favorite day which i should always remember because this is the reason for my existence 😁

Wishing 35years of togetherness  Mom and dad 🙃


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

There are many species in the planet Earth!

Out of all the species god choose humans, they are different from other species because they’re gifted with the biggest asset called “Thinking”.

By using this biggest asset humans started to civilize themselves right from discovery of fire to launching a Rocket.

Humans are gifted with power of thinking, in the process of thinking they’ve become superior beings. So superior that we gazed into the path of invention and innovation.

 In the start it was challenging and every invention was applauded and appreciated because it lead humans to the path of sophisticated experience as we’ve abundant resources. Invented machinery and methods to tame animals.

Over the phase of time humans started exhausting the resources, animals are caged and kept behind the bars A.K.A ZOO in the name of recreation and entertainment.

Humans have reached such a superiority level that they’ve started considering other species i.e., other than humans as under privileged and few of them stopped valuing their life for their pleasure by feeding them fire crackers to these innocent beings.

If incase GOD exists, I believe that he had created each and every species with the same right to live on earth!! However, it no longer exists in this case after witnessing such atrocities.

Apologies my dear mother elephant and the unborn !


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Where are we heading to?

I see happiness filled with setbacks! I’m living in a world where everyone wears a mask with a smile and what lies beyond the mask is still a mystery!!

You want to get that mystery resolved? It’s easy, confront yourself in front of the mirror and answers will be unveiled, surprised! Remove the mask and just look at yourself.

Sometimes, we wish to find a wormhole so that we go into our past and undo the things. However, in spite of putting several effort to undo the past but you may end up getting hooked up onto the same end point called Destiny.

We may try to undo the series of sequence which may cause that situation, but we cannot undo the destiny. It may have N combinations but you’ve only tried to undo only one combination which you are aware of and what about the rest?

Relationship are hypothetical and world had become so tangled that you can’t even find simple love?

No off course, because the definition of love is altered according to persons perceptions!


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Another Day - 2

I’ve started understanding her instead of listening to her and my care towards her increased day by day.

I still remember how we used to fight, I never used to do any task given by her on time. I never attended the meetings nor the sessions and this routes me to one of the memory.

One day I had a bad argument with one of my colleague and at the same time she asked me out for lunch as usual but I denied it, but She tried to convince me by baiting with chicken biryani but I didn’t agree to go with her.

After sometime, I went out for lunch where I ended up facing her with a serious gesture as she already saw me coming, post returning to my desk I’d started receiving taunting in such a way that I can’t even imagine.

She started calling up all her friends and started complaining about me that “I’ve invited him for lunch but he didn’t come, that too I’d asked for eating biryani, however he ended up going with someone”. I was startled and I’m not sure why is she doing like that even, then I realized that she was angry on me.

As a compensation I’d been ended up with a annoying deal which I still regret till today, task is to get my eye lashes coated with mascara and on top of that a photoshoot and the worst part is I was okay with it which I generally don’t do.

Next day I’ve ended up giving her earrings to make peace between us, she loved it and in return she asked me why did you choose to give me these earrings which has Buddha on it, you wondered I’ll be on peace terms with you? If you give me earrings which symbolizes peace.

No, I replied, I rather want you to be in peace with yourself as I sense lot of pain behind your smile which I don’t like as it never suits you by gazing into her eyes and yes I was able to see the pure smile on her face without any pain behind.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Another Day - 1

Another Day!

I wake up every morning with the same Dream.
Even though the dream always had a happy ending, I wake-up by wiping my eyes and with a regret. Regretting and cautioning myself that the Dream should never occur.

My Human Instincts always had one craving, to live the life with the love of my life. Which always had a happy start and end with an un-expected dramatic end.

Then this lady entered into my life as a Stranger, connected by a common interest. However, the connection didn’t last long. One fine day that lady disappeared.

Life gives us all sort of experiences, I get to meet her again with a conversation and that convo made me to stay away from her.

I ask myself this question always, If you get to meet someone twice it’s Coincidence, but what if you meet that person again? Is it coincidence?

No its destiny!

The day has come where I get to talk to her again but We’re in two different parts of the world, still the previous conversations made me sort of put boundaries between us.

Somehow the boundaries broke between us and we’ve become friends. Whenever I notice her I’ve sensed pain and agony behind her smile which is always been a mystery until the day when she unveiled the reason behind it.

When she told me about it, I was melted by the love and affection she poured towards the person she cared for. From that day I’ve started liking her even more.

Days passed and my care towards her increased exponentially and  somehow started wondering why can’t I get that  love and care in my life.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Nature is beautiful,  It can create things and destroy things!

The most critical, beautiful and sensitive creation of Nature is Women! I Sometimes have this feel that nature is reincarnated as WOMEN.

Women, just like the nature she can create and destroy if she want.

Women is termed as symbol of beauty, love, pleasant things, sexuality, inspirations for poetry, sadness, almost everything and anything because they are the essence for everything.

Women can create, I meant give birth.

For that process God has created this menstrual cycle, till my college time I was not aware about what menstrual cycle. Maybe due to my environment where we are prohibited to talk about it and been considered as not a good vibe, once I’d witnessed  my cousin lying on the bed and weeping by closing her face with the blanket and I’d no idea about it.

One day I was curious about it wondering why it is considered in that way, then I’ve received explanation from my friend in this way “women’s belly is the source and fuel for the baby when she is pregnant, so monthly wise it should be cleaned. Yes, it has lot of pain involved in it but yes women take it as blessing”.

Since, then my thoughts changed about menstrual cycle. This is the time women should treated with utmost care and love because the pain which they undergo is tremendous.

A month has got 30days and out of which 5days will be their menstrual cycle, with pre and post impact of another 10days and It will sums up to total 15 days.

How will a baby or a kid will be irritated if they urinate in their pants, imagine women have to go with those sanitary pads and with immense pain at that period.

During this 15 days their partners should take good care of them, oblige to them and rest of the 15days they will do whatever you want and you don’t even have to ask for it.

Take care of women like a rose, every petal is precious and beautiful!


Anger ! Hatred !

Once I had a conversation with my well-wishers regarding these two principal feelings. He started in this way.

Anger and hatred, they will come into existence only due to Love !

Love is it is basic essence of everything!
You’ll show love to living and non living things!

You love rose flower, that’s why you nurture and take good care of rose plant.

You love your parents, siblings, your partner and friend.

You love your clothing, accessories, everything you use and everything you desire to you.

You love money as well.

But when does hated and anger come into picture? When does a person start hating other? When does a person get angry on someone?

Based on my perspective these feelings are provoked by love meter!

Then out of my surprise, I’ve asked what is a love meter?

Then he explained me with an amazing example, did your mother ever get angry on you when you were a kid? And what is the reason behind it?

My response was, Yes, she always did! like eat properly, drink properly, walk properly, sit properly!

Then he started explaining me with this question? Is it anger or hatred? Did your mother ever yell at you due to anger or hatred? No, definitely not due to hatred but its because she is angry!

Anger is something you get when have love towards the person. Hatred is something when you no longer love them. !

Then I’ve realized why the Women once I loved was hating me but not angry on me.

If you put efforts and try talking to your loved ones when they are angry they respond, but when the moment they start hating you and they don’t even remember that you exist.

Thank you friend for making me to realize and giving me peace.


Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why do we really want to have sex?

I’m Not sure everyone will have this perceptive!

It’s not only about sex !

It’s the feel we want,

We want to be touched!

We want to be loved!

We want to be admired!

We want to be smiled at!

We want to feel safe!

We want to be cuddled and feel safe!

We want to think in such a way that somebody really likes you!

We want to feel that I’ve got someone with me !

That’s what I feel we desire or seek for!


Friday, May 22, 2020

I’ve always been your shadow which appear in the bright light that you can never notice it.

I was always sitting  infront of you during those  days, even now sometimes with my uncertain thoughts which you never noticed just like a shadow.

My day, whenever I'm with you wouldn’t have started nor ended by holding your beautiful flowing hair and looking at your beautiful eyes!

Even though I've touched your  hair, you never realized my touch maybe cause you can’t sense the shadow during day!

What happens if you go against the nature or Creation?

Everything will be collapsed and wrecked.

Humans can never exists without a shadow and I can't exist without you !


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Are Angels real ? Why are they considered or termed as the beautiful livings in the universe? Do they really exists ? I never saw one, did anyone witness till today ? Neither I did ?

I was in that impression for many years!

To be frank I didn’t receive any such impression when I saw you for the first time either.

But days passed, I’ve listened to your stories but never understood them cause of my instincts. Slowly, I’ve started understanding you instead of hearing your words.

For then I’ve started judging you and first thing I’ve realised is you apply lot of make up that I can’t even bear it,

You apply beautiful smile on your lips as lipstick
You apply charm and beauty on your face as foundation cream.
You apply the thoughts of everyone’s well being as kajal.

Yes from that moment I saw you I could sense my heart beat lub dub, lub dub and for a second everything was quiet, so quiet that I could hear my breathe!

You always remind me of a Barbie doll wrapped in a box and looking at you will make me forgot that I'm not a kid and want me to become a kid just to admire your beauty !

You are as beautiful as the shooting star, everyone's wish will be fulfilled by looking at your Smile, as it is not less than a shooting star!

Always keep smiling to fulfill our wishes especially mine!

I'll tell you one thing ?

There is nothing wrong comparing you with an angel! Cause I never know how angels look like but looking at you I have high expectations on how angels will be now.

But the descriptions of angel will definitely match to your beauty and charm!

You are a sheer beauty and make me fall in love again and again with you !

Happy Birthday Subbu!

Wishing you more and more happiness god bless you to fulfill all your dreams and aspirations in your life especially becoming a pro model!


This image portrays the current situation! If we will get realization about the current situation we can act accordingly else we will never realize it because our creator had buried the bitter truth in us.

The truth about it shall be known to us only when we will think about it and act accordingly else we should keep facing such atrocities!

But are we willing to do ? No we are not !

Not everyone but most of them are not realizing it yet.

Due to that we are noticing more and more increased cases on top of that we've calamities, accidents and many more we are yet to witness !

Answer is within us for every question we seek !


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Chapter 1 : Destiny

I never know life would be full of twists and turns after hearing this wonderful person story!

He shared me his deepest secret which is engraved deep in his heart which remained unknown to the world!

He exploded his secret with me in this way by sitting in the chair with his eyes closed,
I maybe a biggest secret to the entire world but worlds knows me with minuet details about me which I'd portrayed.

Diary, sometimes I ponder the best things happened in my life is you.

You’ve become my happiest companion with whom I share anything and everything cause I’m confident that you never judge me or neither reveal my secret 💓

I always remember the day when I’d started approaching you and I’d shared with you my thoughts and pain about how I’d missed my mother.

But I love this chapter which I'd shared you about this girl, who is the apple of my eye!

I still remember the day, it was a very tired day when I was in my third grade as usual entered into the classroom gazing left and right then I’d realized that I’ve noticed an Angel in the classroom I may be young that point of time but my inner thoughts about sexuality has been invoked in my tender age which gave me a good picture about opposite sex and don’t know how my feelings started budding for her so much that I made sure I sat next to her along with my friend who is another enthusiasts like me who kissed my classmate right in front everyone. However, due to the age he got penalized with minimal punishment and out of the blue he is behind my angels friends.

Since, then I’ve started going behind her with intensified thoughts and feeling about her which however elevated day by day exponentially and continued till 5th grade and post 5th grade due to the infrastructure issue all four of us got scattered but still my angel remained in my thoughts.

I’ve joined in a residential school after that, there I used to chant about her near every dear of mine.

Years passed and my thoughts about her started improvising but I was in a very uncertain state where I was not sure about my thoughts or my evolved feelings for her which hung me into the state of numbness.

I ask myself this question always, If you get to meet someone it’s Coincidence, but what if you meet that person again? Is it coincidence?
No its destiny!

During my seventh grade public examination, it was a very tired day as I’d prepared the entire night for the exam and as usual entered I’ve into the examination hall gazing left and right then I’d realized that I’ve noticed my Angel in the classroom In the same way how I noticed her for the first time.

Looking at her divine presence I’ve realized one thing that it’s destiny and the uncertainty thoughts and feelings are nothing but LOVE.

Yes, I’m in LOVE with her and from then I categorised that she is MINE

Does age and maturity really matters when you are in love ? I don't think so!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

You’ve entered into my heart like a moon and stayed there and became my addiction!

You’ve entered into my heart like a moon an Stayed there forever and risen like a Sun everyday!! 

You’ve entered into my heart like a moon, stayed there and conquered me forever!!

You’ve entered into my heart and showed me what real love feels like!

You’ve entered into my life like candlelight and brightened my life with the light emitting from your smile.

You’ve entered into my heart and made me fall in love with you again and again! 

I love you so much ❤️

#Badri #ThoughtWritingsByBadri

Friday, May 15, 2020

Fear !

It can be classified in many ways!

When I was a kid with a perception that the place where I’m surrounded with four walls is called World and I might have witnessed fear but I didn’t know that it’s fear.

One day I saw my father in a different state which I’ve never noticed till then, later I got to know why he had such new expression on his face as the next day I’d been to my school as usual, then I got a fees reminder!

Then I’ve realized why my father is in such a situation.

My father is a fearsome person who never feared of anything, the moment he got me as his responsibility he started witnessing fear.

Fear that I can’t give him a wonderful life.

Fear that how my future will be.

However, he is successful as per his parameters!

Till then I’ve noticed but never felt.

Years passed, then one fine day I’ve started to feel this sense called FEAR.

Fear of doubtfulness about myself regarding the things I do.

Later it moulded and transformed into a new fear that people won’t believe.

Days passed and I’ve started living with these fears!!

One day I’ve retrospect my thoughts and I’ve found out that if, “I, Myself don’t believe in myself then how do I expect someone to believe in me”.

I’m the only  one who is thinking in this way?? Not at all, 99% of people are with the same thought process in the name of FEAR in some or the other situations.

Everyone are living with the thoughts which requires others acceptance to go ahead with their major activities.

“Believe in yourself and world will believe in you, sorry you don’t require anybody’s acceptance”

#Badri #ThoughtWritingsByBadri

Thursday, May 14, 2020

These lines are spoken by my close apprentice!

Don’t know how to express!

Trying to be someone whom I’m not supposed to be!

The world knows me with a different mask, but I live with different thoughts!

My world is simple and fragile and don’t require wars to be wagged to conquer, it can be easily conquered with simple weapon called love.

I’m a person who thrives for love and loved ones, I want to have a joyful and complete life with loved ones but  every time I’ve wonderful beginning because people witness a different me but when they get to see the real me they disappear!

Life is always uncertain and unpredictable.

Like a kid having his ice cream, that moment he is about to eat but it will slip from his hand, here he is about to have it and he’s is so sure about it, but out of the blue he looses it!!

I have no regrets about it, he said.

He also mentioned that I’m a wanderer with a broken map which will take me to various places where I don’t belong, but I’m sure some day I’ll reach you!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Birthday to me!

It will be memorable and unforgettable, not my b’day but this year 2020.

This global pandemic situation taught me many things like, 

What is necessarily needed to lead a life and what is materialistic. 

I find most of the un-realistic other than basic amenities need to survive or lead the life.

How to be with your loved ones, understand them by introspecting the Chores they do on daily basis. 

Also, I did observe many memes which talk about divorce between the couples, then I’ve understand that they never spoke to each other as hardly get or give each other time to interact. 

On the account of this lockdown they’re having enough time to interact to each other.

Be hygienic and live life by taking accountability of things going on around us.

I’m pretty sure it will take couple of days or months for us to swap to the previous version of our living. 

All we’ve to do is adhere the living which we’ve practiced during our lockdown and make our surroundings a better place for living for us and the people around us. 

Lastly, I’m happy and thankful for the surprise birthday bash.

Thanks Rishi, Sameer, Divya, Parth, Himansu , aditi, Shivangi, Harshit, Akash, KD for making it even more memorable! 

Thank-you zindagi! 


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Clouds are the most imaginative objects.

You can imagine anything and everything by looking at it.

It makes you feel as if you are the creator with your own visions which doesn't require anyone's acceptance 😉

#Badri #ThoughtWritingsbybadri

Just felt in this way! 

If whatever you and i spoke appears on our skin as a tattoo? 

How beautiful are we then ? 

Then according to me, you are the most prettiest and beautiful, I've ever seen so far!

#badri #thoughtwritingsbybadri

Friday, May 8, 2020

Why do you look at moon? People ask me very often🙄

Moon reminds me of her ❤️

She is as pretty and brighter as the moon.

Also,  she is as kind as the moon because Moon is the only friend you have during the darkness and She always brightens my Life on the name of Love !

#Badri #ThoughtWritingsByBadri

Thursday, May 7, 2020

I always wanted to describe you, but I lack words!

The moment I saw you l felt the sunrise during the night.

Your eyes shines like the moon 🌕

Your smile is as bright as the Sun 🌞

Your smile, it reminds me of crescent moon and the curve on your lips can make anyone smile!

I can’t get you out of my mind.

I have so much left to say to you !

I want to rest my head on your heart and listen to your heartbeat.

I want you to run your fingers on my hair and remain in silence with bundle of happiness  surrounding us in the name of love!

Here we are far away from each other, but thoughts of you make me stronger!

But I fail to be stronger when I'm falling in love with you again and again!

#Badri #ThoughtWritingsByBadri #CrescentMoon

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why do I like rains??

 Feel of rain is amazing, 

the moment i get drenched in rain, I mean when the rain drops touch me i feel amazed! 

Even though i Shiver the feel is amazing as i feel cold from outside and warm from inside.

Sipping a cup of hot beverage and simultaneously get mesmerized by the cool breeze ❤️! 

I feel like I'm touching the sky ! 

Dew drops dripping from the leaf corners and splashing the water puddles caused due to rain water.


#Badri #thoughtwritingsbyBadri 

Yes ! You're loved!

You might never know, your always loved and monitored by people!

You might not realise or they might not show it, but they always do!

Never go for their actions, they might look as if they are not interested in you 😉 but they always care about you, love you and always wants to be with you!

Yes, it's not a joke, you'll be always surrounded by such people and never miss them ❤️

Yes! You are LOVED!!

#Badri #Thoughtwritingsbybadri #yesYouAreLoved

In the end ! What did it cost ?

What’s wrong my dear fellow Indians !!

Our government have taken all sort of safety steps and measures just to make India a better place for our living during this pandemic situation.

Learn from your mistakes and yes, our government did follow it by observing the situations and conditions all over world. 
Based on that our government had amended lockdown just for our safety and during that period our government personnel have enacted their duty with due diligence and I’m proud of it and made sure that necessary items are available for the needy and the poor. 

Many human activists and the youth have come forward to serve the needy with necessary needs during this pandemic situation and I’m very happy about it.

Everything was under control and but the moment when government opened the alcohol outlets, people have become outrageous forgot totally about this pandemic situation all they just wanted is alcohol. 

People are standing in the queue without any social distancing and not even worried about the current situation. 

One gentleman answered that I’m okay to die but I need alcohol :( .

I really pity their ignorance and this madness and chaos is promoted in a very splendid way “Drunkard’s are improving our countries revenue”

In the end, what did it cost?

Please wake up! 

#Badri #Thoughtwritingsbybadri

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Baby I'm there for you! 

I'm not taking an oath nor pledge to prove that I'm there for you!

 The moment I saw you I got this feeling you are mine, "MINE" and you know how possessive I'm about my people and my belongings and  that to  you are my highest  priority! 

I will be always there to heal your pain, when your in pain!

I will be always there to void your troubles, when your in trouble or fear as I will fight away all your fears! 

I will be always there and will be with you, when your in need!

I will be always there when you need a shoulder to cry, Noooooooo !! I won't let you CRY, I will wipe away all your tears !

I will be always there and no matter what happens, there will be always a smile on your face and I will be the reason for it.

But when your happy, I'll sit back and watch, I'm bit selfish because

"Happiness is watching your smile"

"Your smile is my stress buster" 

"Finally, your love is my destiny and you are my biggest treasure"

It might seem like a oath, but this is me!! For real 💯 !! 

I always feel that meeting you is my dream come true moment. 

I feel like, Genie granting me a wish to have you in my life!  An angel who left heaven just to be with me! 

Mixed feel! 

After reading all this there will be a smile on your face and I'm the reason for it and I'll always be!

With all my love ❤️ waiting for you !

#Badri #thoughtwritingsbybadri #iamalwaysthereforyou

Monday, May 4, 2020


Getting stoned, is this feel the best feel or make you feel better? Maybe !

Why do I ever want to get stoned?

My friend once told me, I always want to get out of my rage which I have towards world not specifically towards the world but the people whom I get to meet there, the people whom i consider them as mine hit me, hit me badly that I can’t imagine!

Stoned is the feeling where i get to let go all my rage? Did I?

Yes ! No ! Maybe ? I’m CONFUSED!!

Yes, I do! I get to forget them, but the rage will alter for a while but I’m still the same later on.

Sometimes, I feel to quit but the feel which I go through, rage free is always something I always wanted it.

But I can’t!

But still I want to get stoned!!

#Badri #Thoughtwritingsbybadri #Stoned

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Why is that I can’t reach you?

Entire universe is pushing me towards you and why, I don’t realize that it’s you?

Due to my ignorance or I’m still stuck in a illusion that it’s a dream.

There is always a thin line of difference between you and me, maybe the boundaries you set yourself around you like a rose surrounded by thorns or I’m wandering in aimless journey even though I’m aware that my destination is you!

Hopefully I’ll find the star which will guide me to my treasure!

#Badri #Thoughtwritingsbybadri #wanderer

Hugo and alita!

Cry alita, cry as much you can!

The moment you had to let go his hand, tears are shedding out from your eyes and all your pain is visible as your love of your life is going to become memory which you can neither accept nor forget.

It always reminds me this phrase “I’d give you my heart, you take it”! This shows how much you’ve loved and fallen for Hugo, he might be one in this world but for that one(alita) he is everything.

Though you are a cyborg but your love towards Hugo is no less than a human being because your heart is strongest and purest.

You’ve made Chiren to realise that she is a mother and turned a selfish creature like her to human.

Alita, you know Don’t trust anyone as people do terrible things to each other here in any means love, manipulation as everyone around are rogue and not as pure as you because you are as strong as a diamond or a strongest warrior which no one had witnessed till today and have a heart of a angel!

Allita, when Hugo asked you If you could just tell me what those eyes have seen? Your answer was I don’t remember any. But in the end all you can remember is Hugo and his feel when you were rebuild by berserker suit which is so texture sensitive that you can never forget his feel.

Alita, you’ll never be forgotten! Hiding your tears may make you stronger as you’re a warrior but i still remember the same old innocent 300 years old joyful teenage girls face.

#Badri #thoughtwritingsbybadri

Saturday, May 2, 2020

I could say it's all about Expectations!

Any relationship should adhere certain rules except with your parents and should always acknowledge their deeds!

As your partner always expects to be acknowledged for the things they've done for you.

Things not to be done if your in a relationship, never ever think your supreme authority unless your partner is solely thinks in that way about you. 

If one person acknowledges you in that way that doesn't mean that you tend to tag yourself with that supremacy which literally makes you a fool sitting on a ignorance throne and start ruling from there with that narcissist crown on your head expecting everyone to behave like that 😂😂.

If you still don't know what went wrong then read the below quote, it will help you to backtrace it.

"When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin"- Albus Dumbledore.

Expectations are essential for a certain extend, everyone should need to know their limits!!

#Badri #thoughtwritingsbybadri #expectations

"Your not an option, your my priority"

You might've heard many people saying this in front of their loved ones, to just create this , mere imaginary dreamworld of LOVE!
So you think this is true ?

Love is attraction, adjustment or infatuation ?

There was this wise friend of mine who once said that , " Love and affection which you receive from your parents is the purest and the most soulful form of love you would ever come across in your whole lifetime. Rest of the other wordly love is just this magical potion of adjusment, affection and alot of flactuating expectation"
This hit me hard, that night. Am I in the right kind of love?

Love would be merely attraction most of the times predominantly due to the human law of attraction 😂 - always judge a book by it's cover likewise by their appearance which almost leads to infatuation category!

True Love ??

Now that is some miracle !

You get to hate them initially or ignore them or don't want to see them, but observing their behavior and their good nature you dive into their soul, and then , their is no way out!

Sometimes, you just get to listen to their story, you may feel that I've just listened to her story how did I end up falling in love with her ?

Love is full of uncertainty! It's all about how you balance your relationship which gives your partner a promising gut feeling that he is the one!


Friday, May 1, 2020


This is the one word with which universe is revolving !
Coming from law of attraction to attraction towards men and women !

Your first impression will be assessed based on your looks, later on how you behave!

What I feel is that the current human attraction behavior have become a biggest stereotype, mostly they prefer looks, it’s not always “Never judge a book by it’s cover” 😂😂

Unfortunately!! it’s always like, people are judged by their cover 👏.

Maybe in the longer period i.e., if we get to travel with them, then we will assess the person but to be precise human attraction is tote based on looks.

But sadly this is irony of the current world!

Maybe this writing gives you a biased opinion about the writer, but this writing is truly based on inspiration/pain of fellow human who wants to let out their feelings on how they feel or their insecurities which caused them trauma right from their childhood which haunts them till  date!

I would request you to ask yourself this question, did we not feel in this way or behave in this way ?

#Badri #Insecurities #thoughtwritingsbybadri

In this current e-society, you could see the young generation are much engaged with social media and If you look at each profile they've close 2k friends/followers. But are they really connected ?

Forget about reality, at least virtually are they connected ? 

No, I myself have 500+ friends I hardly get to talk to them 🤦 not even a single person but all these are unrealistic.

Always surround yourself with people who knows your worth, you don't have to talk everyone in your life at least one person who appreciate you for exactly who you are and who values you for what you are, irrespective of flaws :)💛

#Badri #Thoughwritingsbybadri